This is what I submitted this morning as counter points to Forbes Blogger John F. Wasik's blog dated 9/6/2013
Inside The Dubious Dinar Revaluation Ruse
Steve Sanderson's (Stryker's) Counter Points: It sure looks to me like John F. Wasik is just trying to sale his books by writing about the dinar. I am a dinar Blogger and site owner (Stryker Blog), we only look at the facts about Iraq, the Iraqi dinar, any and all other related news and the facts tell us a different story then John is relaying to you here.
Here are just a few things that are going on which we have not seen before: Kurdistan's President Barzani and Iraq's PM Maliki signed a 7 point agreement back in April of this year and there are signs that these are being implemented to resolve the political issues. Article 140 is an example of this, many had discarded this and said it would never be implemented but yet it is.
The dinar is moving closer to convertibility by Iraq approving laws that comply with the International Covenants documents, an obligation that Iraq made to the WTO. This moves Iraq closer to full accession into the WTO and onto the International stage.
Supporting Links:
Connecting Dots:
WTO supporting article:
Another very telling point is that the Iraqi Stock Exchange (ISX) will be a full member of The International Organization of Securities Commissions soon, meaning the ISX will be internationally operated.
John also wants you to believe that there was never a real value to the dinar except for what Saddam gave it, false! By not following the devaluations of the U.S. currency in 1971 and 1973, the dinar rose to a value of US$3.3778, before a 5 percent devaluation reduced the value of the dinar to US$3.2169, a rate which remained until the Gulf War.
Listen, there are clear signs that point to Iraq being reintroduced onto the Global markets and by 2020 Iraq could be the #2 oil producer in the world. Take a few minutes and watch this Bloomberg Television report:
As an investor you should do your due diligence before investing, no one knows exactly how this currency reform will work but it is clear that Iraq's dinar is undervalued by at least 2 and a half times.
Do we have advertisers, sure and is one of them a dinar dealer, yes because it only makes sense that we have one. See I work at this full time just like John does by writing his books and neither one of us should do it for free but unlike John I research before making statements and I sure don't post other people’s opinions to try and make my points. I am sure you are a good guy John but try to report the facts, Iraq is moving closer to Economic Reform. August 13th the Council of Ministers headed by PM Maliki approved Economic Reform for Iraq and it is now in the hands of the Iraqi Parliament for final approval. One more item that has never happened until this point.
I also do a weekly Live Web TV Show 5 days a week uncovering the facts about this most interesting investment.
Is there merit to this dinar, yes but there is also a lot of hype, know the deference and it will make your life much easier.
Forbes showed that they published it on my profile page but did not publish my comments here!
Sorry I haven't had time to update my blogs here, if you want to read all my other blogs or watch any of the Web TV Shows that are related to the real facts about our investment in the Iraqi dinar please go to:
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