Stryker Blog 08.17.2013: News Out of Kuwait City

News Out of Kuwait City

One of my friends working out of Kuwait City that is with one of the major Oil Companies that also does oil production work in Iraq, has told me a few weeks ago that they started to resign all their old production contracts under new oil contracts. This must be done before new contracts can be signed under the new Oil & Gas Law (HCL), is what I’ve been told.

So the only logical conclusion IMO is that the Oil and Gas Law is or close to being finalized and approved by the Iraqi parliament upon their return or why else would this be going on? When I ask him if he knew this to be the case he just said, it shouldn't be hard to draw your own conclusion from this! 

With this very good news and the fact that the Economic Reform Law was approved by Maliki and the CoM (Council of Ministers) and awaiting parliaments return, this is gearing up to be one interesting few weeks IMO.

Also we have only 6 sets left out of 50 for our Second Stryker Iraqi Dinar Holders meeting August the 31st about being prepared and how to set up your own group. So the first RSVP’s to email me at are in. All the rest of the RSVP’s are accounted for and details will be sent out as soon as we have the agenda and guest pinned down completely.

Have a great week,


1 comment:

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