Sunday, August 18, 2013

News Out of Kuwait City

One of my friends working out of Kuwait City that is with one of the major Oil Companies that also does oil production work in Iraq, has told me a few weeks ago that they started to resign all their old production contracts under new oil contracts. This must be done before new contracts can be signed under the new Oil & Gas Law (HCL), is what I’ve been told.

So the only logical conclusion IMO is that the Oil and Gas Law is or close to being finalized and approved by the Iraqi parliament upon their return or why else would this be going on? When I ask him if he knew this to be the case he just said, it shouldn’t be hard to draw your own conclusion from this! 

With this very good news and the fact that the Economic Reform Law was approved by Maliki and the CoM (Council of Ministers) and awaiting parliaments return, this is gearing up to be one interesting few weeks IMO.

Also we have only 6 sets left out of 50 for our Second Stryker Iraqi Dinar Holders meeting August the 31st about being prepared and how to set up your own group. So the first RSVP’s to email me at are in. All the rest of the RSVP’s are accounted for and details will be sent out as soon as we have the agenda and guest pinned down completely.

Have a great week,


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Economic Reform Day 2

Today another article on economic reform and today this article confirms that it needs parliament approval as well.

Quote: the importance of approving a bill to economic reform in the Iraqi parliament after being approved by the Council of Ministers at its previous

And this quote from the minutes of PM al-Maliki and the CoM meeting on the 13th:

Quote: submitted it to the Council of representatives
Good timing if you ask me since parliament returns on Tuesday of next week.

Oh right, here is another funny timing article in my opinion:

OK, is it just a coincidence that we now have out an article that says the deleting of zeroes have been postponed until after the election? The same article using the exact same language is also out but from another source. No coincidence but a planned statement IMO because of yesterday’s news.

It states that the government of Iraq wants guarantees that there will not be any forgeries from bringing in the zero notes.

Quote: "the government Committee agrees opinion, but it calls for guarantees of non-forgery or reference currency in the markets,"

It looks like they are concerned about the currency out in the market now being the issue because of the zeros it makes it harder to guarantee that they will not get forgeries in the replacement process. Meaning exchanging the large 3 zero notes with the smaller or deleted zero notes.

That does make sense but yet Shabibi said that they had ways to cut that down significantly. Thus the $15 million USD that was spent on De La Rue  machines in 2011 by the CBI.

The consensuses in our dinar community is that they were high speed currency counting, sorting and destroying machines. 

Banknote Destruction Solutions

De La Rue offers a range of flexible solutions for the secure destruction, conveying and collection of unfit banknotes and secure documents. Each system is designed to be a bespoke solution to meet the precise needs of the customer in terms of:
  • Offline destruction needs (granulator)
  • Shred handling requirements from online banknote sorting machines and offline granulator
  • Throughput capacity
  • Building layouts and room sizes
Each system is made up of a variety of individual components depending on the solution required:
  • Hand-fed or infeed conveyor options for offline granulators
  • Offline granulators
  • Shredders for large sheets of paper
  • Sound attenuating enclosures
  • Pneumatic extraction system to convey shreds between sorting machines and granulator and the shred collection point
  • Filters, with self-cleaning option available
  • Briquetting and compacting systems, capable of working with paper and polymer
  • Collection point for bagging or briquetting shredded banknotes and documents, with briquettes being conveyed outside the building if required
  • Control system to integrate all components for efficient and safe operation
  • Installation, commissioning and maintenance
A solution can consist of
  • an online shred handling system only, where the shreds are conveyed from banknote sorting machines to a central collection point for bagging or briquetting, or
  • an offline granulation and shred handling system, where secure documents or unfit banknotes are hand or conveyor fed into a granulator, with the shreds being conveyed to a central collection point as above, or
  • a combination of the above two systems, where both offline and online shreds are conveyed to a single point of collection.
The systems are flexible and can be designed for throughputs ranging to a few tens of kg/hour up to 1000kg/hour or more, with individual components sized to suit the needs of that part of the system.
My point is that these high dollar machines bring their percentages of forgeries way, way down so why would this now be an issue? The answer is, it’s not but yet just away to throw speculators off because of the minutes yesterday and I would not take these to heart until we hear from the CBI.

That’s all for now, have a great day,


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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Iraq's Prime Minister and Council of Minister's Sign Off On Economic Reform

Imagine yourself waking up to some very important news that is just shy of an RV announcement itself. Well that is exactly what happened to me this morning.

At approximately 12:00 o’clock midnight this morning our own Stryker Blog member ussohiorob posted that the Council of Ministers held its thirty-fifth regular meeting in Baghdad on Tuesday, 13 August 2013, headed by Prime Minister Nouri Kamel al-Maliki and issued the following decisions of the Council:

1.    approval of the draft law on economic reform, Federal auditor by the State Council, and submitted it to the Council of representatives, based on the provisions of articles (61/item first and 80/item 2) of the Constitution.

Iraqi Constitution
On Economic Reform:

Article 24:
The State shall guarantee the reform of the Iraqi economy in accordance with modern economic principles to insure the full investment of its resources, diversification of its sources, and the encouragement and development of the private sector.

Article 110
The federal government shall have exclusive authorities in the following matters:

First: Formulating foreign policy and diplomatic representation: negotiating, signing, and ratifying international treaties and agreements: negotiating, signing, and ratifying debt policies and formulating foreign sovereign economic and trade policy.

Here are two articles that have been posted already today:

Completion of draft law economic reform
21/02/2013 07: 54

Cabinet approves draft law on the federal economic reform

1)         It means that they/we took a big step towards full Currency Reform, Monetary Reform and what the true meaning will be when it comes to all these articles that have stated the following:

·        Delete the 3 zeros
·        Remove the 2 zeros
·        Lift the zeros by 3 zeros
·        Increase the value of the dinar by 3 zeros
·        Raise the purchasing power by 3 zeros
·        Introduce new currency by deleting 3 zeros
·        There are a few more but you should you know what I mean.

2)         Economic reform includes Monetary Reform and currency
        reform as indicated by the Republic of Iraq’s own Constitution.
3)         It means a better way of life for the Iraqi people and their investors!
4)         It means that they are ready to implement all the Arbil agreements thru the agreements made by Maliki and Barzani in April of this year because economic reform will not happen without this IMO.
5)         This should mean they are ready to pass the stalled laws before parliament starts on the 2014 fiscal budget.
6)         I personally have been waiting for the Official approval of Maliki and the Council of Ministers and this is what has taken place.

Folks, the CBI has always had the right to change the exchange rate in small amounts and has the authority to make changes to the Iraqi monetary system and has a little at a time.

They can also make large changes to the Iraqi system so as long as they can prove it is for the best of the country but if they are wrong and do it without the blessing of the GOI that would be the end of them. So they better be right if they do, that is why they want to be on the same page with the GOI, to cover their tracks in case it back fires.

I believe that I have pointed out the Government has the overall say in the most important changes and that my friends has just be been given by Prime Minister Nouri Kamel al-Maliki and the CoM.
The second best news that we could get other than the Revaluation itself.
Second Pre-RV Stryker Blog
Iraqi Dinar Get Together

I want to take this opportunity to announce today that we will be hosting our second Stryker Blog Iraqi Dinar Get Together Saturday August the 31st for Stryker Members only. You must get your request to attend in right away as maximum attendance will be the first 50 to RSVP, first come first in.

Send exactly how many are coming in your group to as soon as you can.

Meeting will be held at Texas Land & Cattle Steak House in Frisco. I am working out the exact time and menu and cost per-person right now but it should be around $50.00 per person if not less. Detail will be emailed to each one of you that have already RSVP’ed from my announcement we did via the Stryker WebTV broadcast last night.

Agenda will include what preparation you may need prior to the official CBI revaluation announcement.

Question & Answer: question from you and answers from real professionals, either in person or they will be by Skype.

Vietnam Dong Forum

I am also looking for someone that will be willing to manage a forum on the Vietnam Dong, if you are up to date on the Dong and want to head up your own forum within the Stryker Blog Forums please contact me.

The right personal will be given Administrators rights to manage this much needed forum.

Great news and a great time for us to get prepared IMO.

Have a great day and get those RSVP’s in,


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Great Iraqi News Day

OK friends this is what I call a great Iraqi News Day. I will recap it already and it is still early there and more will surely come out.
I will lead off with my pick of Article of the Day: Because of this article we finally know why parliament was delayed and it’s not because of Maliki, lol.

Quote: "the most important reasons that led to the postponement of meetings of the Council is the insistence of Congress Kurdistan Alliance to take the vacation period of a week after the feast," noting that "the PKK was aspires to such leave since a long time"

Quote: "The other reason which led to postponement of hearings is to travel Speaker Osama Najafi to London for the purpose of conducting an operation in the ear after he was injured in the terrorist bombing that occurred within the parliament earlier,"

We are also getting more confirmation that parliament will return next week on the 20th.

Quote: Presidency of the Council of Representatives decided earlier to be the 20th day of the month of August is the next date for the resumption of meetings of the Council.

Here is an interesting quote but yet it confirms that in fact Parliament will meet next week: The head of the Iraqi List, Free Qutaiba al-Jubouri said that "the Presidency of the Council of Representatives has informed all members of the House of Representatives to hold its next meeting on the twentieth of this month, without specifying the paragraphs of the agenda of this meeting." 

This article covers a lot of opinions of what they could be talking about but as the quote above states they haven’t set the agenda.

This will be the 12th meeting of the Council of the first legislative term for the fourth legislative year, so they are still in the current legislative session no matter what others have written.

Read this article to get a better idea of what these topics could be. I know it's not what we are looking for as topics but as this says, the agenda is not public yet either.

This is a few quotes from one of Maliki’s members of parliament:

Quotes: A member of the block United Iraqi coalition/MP Khalid Al-alwani, the parliamentary session will see the adoption of the controversial laws, including the Federal Court and the General Amnesty and parties.

Quote: He added: in front of the Council House current legislative term which “ends in months”, and also there is a new chapter, there are important laws, including the Council approve the service and the Federation Council, Federal Supreme Court, infrastructure and general amnesty, parties and many other laws

Two Real important things are in this article if true.
1) It looks like this legislative term could go on for months.
2) Because of the needed passage of the important laws.

There are many articles today that state that there is going to be another National Meeting in the next few days, here is a quote I really like:

Quote: "hold that any meeting between the leaders of the political blocs will leave a positive impact on the psyche of the citizens, and will contribute to improve the political and security situation in the country, noting that" the Forum held the national will contribute to the convergence of views between the political blocs and remove tension between .

Here is one that either means that the National Meeting will be held next month or if in the case of many statements he could be referring to this month. (Next sometimes means This)

Quote: "Deputy mass sent invitations to leading political blocs to participate in the forthcoming national meeting next month"

Here is proof that the Committees are working to resolve the stalled laws.

Quote: the next meeting of the committee will resolve the discussions proposed general amnesty law, noting that most of the paragraphs was agreed upon.

Quote: "Committee of Five held two meetings during the past few days and _khassthma to discuss a proposed general amnesty law, and will be assigned the next meeting of the Commission for the completion of discussions of the proposed law and submit it to the Cabinet in the event of response of the National Alliance on a proposal of the Iraqi List." 

Quote: "the majority of the paragraphs in the proposed general amnesty law agreed within the Committee of Five,"

There are many more positive articles out today and you can visit them on our Dinar Related News page. All titles are hyperlinks into the forum where you can read what others have to say on these articles and more.

Have a good day,


Iraqi Dinar Terminology

A few terms to know when you read comments from other dinar holders so you are not in the dark.
Monetary Terms
The following are basic terms concerning a monetary System (I will break the meaning of Monetary Systems, Exchange Rate Regimes and others down in my next few Blog)
Revaluation – means a change of a price of goods or products. This term is specially used as revaluation of a currency, where it means a rise of currency to the relation with a foreign currency in a fixed exchange rate. In floating exchange rate correct term would be appreciation. Altering the face value of a currency without changing its foreign exchange rate is a redenomination, not a revaluation.
Devaluation – means a decrease of a price of goods or products. This term is specially used as devaluation of a currency, where it means a decrease of currency to the relation with a foreign currency in a fixed exchange rate. In floating exchange rate correct term would be appreciation. Altering the face value of a currency without changing its foreign exchange rate is a redenomination, not a devaluation.
Deleting the zeros and other terms concerning the 3 zeros:
Deleting zeros – a term used by Central Banks of countries when they take zeros away from a currency. Russia, Turkey and other countries have just deleted zeros from their currencies to make cash transactions easier.
Removing zeros – can be used the same way as deleting zeros or they can be referring to this when talking about removing the larger zero notes from circulation, or removing from their money supply.
Lifting by 3 zeros – this has been used as well and has been used when talking about purchasing power. Example: Lifting the purchasing power by 3 zeros.
Raising by 3 zeros – again normally used when they talk about the purchasing power.
Slang Terms
Pumping or Pumpers – ones that try to pump sales of the dinars, always coming up with stories to keep people hyped up on the investment by calling the revaluation time after time, etc..
Lop – a slang way of saying deleting the zeros, a negative term that has been adopted by the dinar community. Normally used by Lopsters!
Lopster – a person that only believes that the dinar will not increase in value once the Central Bank of Iraq deletes the zeros or as they say lops the zeros.
“Drinking the Kool-Aid” – the reference to drinking Kool-Aid is used by myself, speculator’s and yes the Lopster’s when referring to people that follow pumpers / guru’s. The Lopster’s though will even say this about the ones like us that look at the facts.  
"Drinking the Kool-Aid" is a metaphor commonly used in the United States that refers to a person or group holding an unquestioned belief, argument, or philosophy without critical examination. The phrase typically carries a negative connotation when applied to an individual or group. The phrase derives from the November 1978 Jonestown Massacre where members of the Peoples Temple, who were followers of the Reverend Jim Jones, committed suicide by drinking a Kool-Aid-like drink laced with cyanide.
We see these people when they follow a self-proclaimed guru and they refuse to look at the facts (where is Iraqi right now and what needs completed before they can logically revalue their currency). These people have been known to have Drink way to much of the guru’s Kool-Aid but nothing can make them look at the logical side of this investment.
Real Minded Speculator’s -  this is a term I came up with: the ones that believe we have a good chance of the CBI increasing the value at the same time as they delete and remove the 3 zeros by exchanging the larger 3 zero notes with notes that will be less by 3 zeros. We believe that the dinar has been kept undervalued until the time they implement currency reform. We believe that they will increase its value at an equal time that they redenominate with currency with less 3 zeros. Increasing the value of all dinars, new and old. What rate is still to be determined though.
Here are a few of my past Blogs that will help you understand more of the nuts and bolts.
I will add more on tomorrows Blog so not to throw too many at you at one time.
Here is my articles of the day yesterday because I have yet to find one today, news is on the light side:  ARTICLE OF THE DAY: A new security system in Baghdad next month
I hope you can join RSS and myself tonight on Stryker WebTV, we will talk about the upcoming parliament meetings

Have a great evening,


Iraqi Dinar

Scam or No Scam?

I will get the terminology Blog finished and out next but I thought that this one needed to be next.

One of the first things that people often say about the dinar is that it is a scam. Other non-informed people will say things like this: It has not increased in value in 10 years or that Iraqi will declare it worthless.

There are many more but these are all wrong, the dinar is a real currency with real value. It has increased in value over the last 10 years from 1411 dinar in-exchange for $1 US dollar to where it is now: 1166 dinars to $1 US dollar.

In thousands of articles read by me and many others, there has never been any announcement or indication of Iraq making their currency worthless. The Central Bank of Iraqi has never had one press releases along these lines, nor the Republic of Iraqi’s Government or any other official publications included but not limited to the Iraqi Parliament and or its members.

The scam though, like any other real commodity has its share of people ready to capitalize on the uneducated. What you should be looking out for are the ones selling the old Saddam dinars, here are a few pictures for reference: 


Now here are the real Iraqi dinars 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Iraqi Dinar

For those that are just finding out about the Iraqi Dinar, my name is Steve Sanderson or as I am known on the internet when it comes to the dinar Stryker. I am going to be doing a series of blogs these next few weeks tailored just for you.

These blogs will be informative and educational at the same time, to bring an awareness to the unaware. First in foremost this is a real investment, with read people that has real facts that will help you along if you wish.

There are many websites that will try to convince you that they have intel, boots on the ground in Iraqi. They say that they know all the right people in all the right places but yet they can’t tell you who these people are, what they do, how to get ahold of them so you can verify it to be true.

They call the revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar (RV) almost every week, it will be showing on bank screens that weekend and that we will all be cashing in on Monday, for that Monday to come and go with in fact no RV.

Oh, but they will have an excuse, one after another, it’s Obama’s fault, the Chines or even Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki that has stop it, at the last minute.

See folks, we have heard these and many more over the years, like there will be a three tier system that will be cash out people in stages starting with the elite or they will call them the whales or big money people. Then charities that hold dinars under a 501c3 that do work as humanitarians and then yes last but not least us, the common, no bodies will be the last tiers that get to cash out.

They will be creative in their writings or as our friend John (Scooby) in Kuwait calls them, the creative writing team. They always come up with something that is just far enough out there to be believable.

The problem is you end up on an emotional rollercoaster ride. You get your hopes up, they will even have you visualizing that you are going to be rich tomorrow but when it comes and goes they will be sure to have someone that will be right there. Someone to pick up the pieces and making you feel that it was in fact someone else’s fault that has caused it to be stopped, never their made up intel though.

Some even have a good guy and a bad guy thing going on. The bad guy is the guy that called the RV every week and when it does come true the good guy is the one that gets mad at you for questioning the bad guy that called it.

The good guy will say something like this, he is only trying to help, at least he shares his intel, if you don’t like it go somewhere else to find your intel. Or, I told you that I try to stick to the facts but all along knowing if they can pass it off good enough you will come back over and over, time after time for more because they are the only ones that know what they are talking about.

These are all the reasons I started looking at the facts years ago, the documents and public records that at least gave us some real insight of the truth.

This is a real investment with real people and in this series of blogs I will be targeting the newcomers to this investment. I will try to save you time and at the same time the emotional rollercoaster we have all been on, one time or another with these same type people or as I call them, self-proclaimed gurus.
Tomorrow’s blog will cover terminology and the basics of this investment and in all the blogs I will share my article of the day pick.

Today we see another article that quotes Attorney Khalil Mahma, Member of Parliament calling for currency reform once again.

I hope these will save people the hours that some of us have lost and the time that we will never get back in our short lives.

Have a great day,

