Monday, June 2, 2014

Stryker Blog 5.31.2014 Iraq Goes International July 1, 2014, will the Iraqi Dinar?

Stryker Blog 5.31.2014


Connecting the Dots all the way to Article VIII 

This is a recap of my broadcast on Friday May 30, 2014 in where wmawhite and I uncover and put forth what we feel are the biggest discovery of facts ever to be uncovered in over a decade of the dinar being introduced to investors. By connecting these dots we have turned the dinar community right-side up! Up until now the gurus have had people so upside down they couldn’t see straight, many have lost everything because of these people calling the RV week after week, month after month, year after year but now there is a real time frame and a clear understanding of events that have taken place without rumors and unnamed sources being involved.
This break down is intended to help understand our thoughts through the written word but please watch the broadcast to get a further understanding straight from wmawhite and myself.
April 30, 2014 Elections were held in Iraq
May 2, 2014 Abdul Basset Turki, acting governor of the Central Bank of Iraq makes a public statement that includes the follow quotes:
QUOTE: "The central bank will proceed without hesitation to apply the project raise zeros from the local currency in case settled political and economic situation of the country."
QUOTE: "the implementation of such a project needs to arrange all the accounts and records of the Iraqi state before starting any move to change the status of the currency and the way that provides a smooth flow of work and maintain the price of the currency in the local market where traders of manipulation."
QUOTE: "talk is not only about the lifting of the zeroes where the currency change will rearrange the entire government records and change the accounts that deal with public spending,"
QUOTE: “the project to delete the zeros of the central bank governor said that the new measures will be there by the middle of this year, the bank raised about the new currency and the deletion of zeros”
Why did he come out 2 days after the elections were held, before any  results  were  given and make such a bold statement? Because there is a clear agenda and this agenda of events will became even clearer as you continue reading.
May 17, 2014 Obama extends EO 13303 for another year even after CBI governor Turki had already stated that they did not need any more protection of Iraqi assets. Why was it extended then? Because Obama could not write his own Executive Order to amend something he did not write in the first place (EO 13303), written by George W. Bush May 22, 2003 and terminate the Prohibitions under it until he first extended it.
May 17, 2014 U.S. Department of the Treasury sent this bulletin at 05/27/2014 05:35 PM EDT entitled: Issuance of New Iraq-Related Executive Order to OFAC (Office of Foreign Asset Control)
Who is OFAC and what do they do?
OFAC administers a number of different sanctions programs. The sanctions can be either comprehensive or selective, using the blocking of assets and trade  restrictions  to accomplish foreign policy and national security goals.
See OFAC has been the ones that are in charge of enforcing the economic sanctions and now they have been notified that the prohibitions have been terminated:
QUOTE: “The President signed an Executive Order (E.O.),  “Ending Immunities  Granted to the Development Fund for Iraq and Certain Other Iraqi Property and Interests in Property Pursuant to Executive Order 13303, as Amended,”  terminating the prohibitions  contained in Executive Order 13303 of May 22, 2003”
Terminating the Prohibitions, meaning that all financial prohibitions that have prohibited Iraq from conducting their own financial transactions have been lifted. Iraqi is now free to re-enter the world markets. Banks worldwide are now able to conduct financial instrument transactions, transfer companies may now be approved to work  directly  with the  CBI, Article IV and Article VIII of The Article of Agreements should now be completed or sOoN will be.

  • 1. General obligations of members
  • 2. General exchange arrangements
  • 3. Surveillance over exchange arrangements
  • 4. Par values
  • 5. Separate currencies within a member’s territories

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Avoidance of restrictions on current payments
  • 3. Avoidance of discriminatory currency practices
  • 4. Convertibility of foreign-held balances
  • 5. Furnishing of information
  • 6. Consultation between members regarding existing international agreements
  • 7. Obligation to collaborate regarding policies on reserve assets

May 27, 2014 Obama signs an Executive Order Amending EO 13303
QUOTE: “I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, I hereby terminate the prohibitions contained in section 1 of Executive Order 13303 of May 22, 2003”
Here is exactly what section 1 of EO 13303 says, pay close attention to the keywords that I have highlighted:
(George W. Bush) hereby order:
Section 1. Unless licensed or otherwise authorized pursuant to this order, any attachment, judgment, decree, lien, execution, garnishment, or other judicial process is prohibited, and shall be deemed null and void, with respect to the following:
(a) the Development Fund for Iraq, and (b) all Iraqi petroleum and petroleum products, and interests therein, and proceeds, obligations, or any financial instruments of any nature whatsoever arising from or related to the sale or marketing thereof, and interests  therein, in which any foreign country or a national thereof has any interest, that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of United States persons.
  • Unless licensed: as in dinar dealers and other institutions
  • is prohibited: self-explanatory  
  • any financial instruments of any nature whatsoever: as in Iraq’s currency or any other financial instrument
  • that hereafter come within the United States: currency, gold or any other assets
  • hereafter come within the possession or control of United States persons:  that’s you, me and anyone holding Iraq’s financial instruments (Iraqi dinars) or any financial instrument whatsoever. See we and the dinar have been protected under  this  order and why Canadians, Australians and others have bought their dinars through dealers here in the states. But when Turki pulls the trigger for Iraq to go live all  banks  that want to deal in Iraq’s currency will be good to exchange worldwide. Up until now we have traded USD for dinars or whatever currency you used to buy your dinars. Soon though we will be able to exchange our dinar for any currency through banking institutions now that OFAC has or will be removing all financial sanctions.
Can you see where this is going? On June 27, 2013 Chapter VII Sanctions  were  released and moved to Chapter VI under UNAMI making Iraq a non-threat to the international community but OFAC still had the prohibitions in place because of EO 13303 and Iraq could not play with the rest of the world in the international market place until these were terminated as well. The next move is for OFAC to remove these sanctions!
May 28, 2014 Central Bank of Iraq approved all licensed currency transfer companies. Only one day after EO 13303 was amended through a new executive order, coincidence? Not at all, see the agenda must be followed. This further proving these financial instruments in the form of the Iraqi currency that were held at bay by the OFAC should soon be able to be traded anywhere. Not yet though, these companies must first complete all the necessary paperwork, open accounts both in USD and Iraqi dinars, deposit 20% of their capital to insure and guaranty their transactions that they will be making and of course the CBI needs to announce to the world their new monetary system, moving them away from this dual currency regime and into a more standard international way of doing business.
One more thing, here is the verbiage that is very telling from the new executive order and proves that all assets will be released returned to the Central Bank of Iraq, not the GOI and have been held in prohibition by OFAC prohibited to be used for anything until now and why they have not been used to back the real value of the dinar.
QUOTE: BARACK OBAMA:  I hereby report that I have issued an Executive Order (the "order") terminating the prohibitions contained in section  1 of  Executive Order 13303 of May 22, 2003, as amended by  Executive Order 13364 of  November 29, 2004,  on  any attachment, judgment, decree, lien, execution, garnishment, or other judicial process with respect to the Development Fund for Iraq and Iraqi petroleum, petroleum products, and interests therein, and the accounts, assets, investments, and other property owned by, belonging to, or held by, in the name of, on behalf of, or otherwise for, the Central Bank of Iraq.
Folks, the CBI is in charge of the monetary system, their main goal is to maintain and increase the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar.  To  increase the  purchasing power of the Iraqi people through assets belonging to the Iraqi people, not their government. This is declared and noted by the Iraqi Constitution. The frozen assets, petroleum produced and non-produced oil which are held in reserves underneath their feet belong to the people of Iraq and such will be used by the CBI to bring back the wealth as it was before the zeros were added.
Article III of the Iraqi Constitution:   Oil and gas are owned by  all the people of Iraq in all the regions and governorates.
This is why the Executive Order reads as it does: Iraqi petroleum, petroleum products, and interests therein, and the accounts, assets, investments, and other property owned by, belonging to, or held by, in the name of, on behalf of, or otherwise for, the Central Bank of Iraq.
Now who is in charge of the Central Bank and who made such bold statements 2 days after the elections took place? That’s right, Abdul Basset Turki, the acting governor  of  the  CBI, the man in charge of the exchange rate of the dinar.
OK, let’s recap it all: All financial instruments have been terminated by the new executive order, OFAC should soon, if not already release all financial sanctions  worldwide  on  Iraq.
All assets that are estimated at somewhere between, $150-$180 billion dollars will now be released back to the CBI and Turki, the man in charge of the CBI is saying all measures will be in place by middle of this year. That sums it up or does it?
Not quite, when could we see this take place?
Well July 1, 2014 ISX goes international:
QUOTE: The Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX) is currently in the process of upgrading to the latest Nasdaq trading platform after signing an agreement with Nasdaq OMX in June 2013. The new platform, currently used by more than 25 exchanges globally, is capable of supporting multiple asset classes, although the ISX concentrates mainly on cash equities.
QUOTE: “We will complete the implementation at the end of June, and it will go live at the beginning of July,” said Taha Ahmed al-Rubaye, chief executive of the ISX.
Folks, Turki said that all measures will be in place by the middle of the year, that’s Monday June 30th and July 1st starts the second half of the year. Turki said that the  central  bank will proceed without hesitation to apply the project raise zeros from the local currency in case settled political and economic situation of the country.
Political: There are articles showing that a new government made up of 200 parliament deputies will be announced right after the ratification of the ballots, which is do any day now. This should settle the political situation Turki is looking for.
Economic: Settled economic situation he is talking about we believe is OFAC releasing back to the CBI all the Iraq’s wealth and that is a major part of the  measures  Turki refers  too. The other part is the 2014 Budget but there are signs that Parliament will expedite the passage once the ratification takes place, insuring what Turki needs to settle the remaining economic conditions. He said that the implementation of such a project needs to arrange all the accounts and records of the Iraqi state before starting any move to change the status of the currency. This will take the budget passage to complete accounting and record keeping or at least the new exchange rate predetermined within it.
In finishing, all monetary system changes and exchange rate announcements or made over the weekends and are announced to the world on the opening of international banking on Monday mornings by any Central Bank. We have five Monday’s in June the last one being Monday the 30th and July 1st being on a Tuesday, just saying.
A special thank you to wmawhite for helping me connect the dots and joining me yesterday on my webcast to explain it all!
If you would like to watch our webcast click the LINK and go to .
Have a great weekend my friends,


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Supporting Links:

Letter: Ending Immunities Granted to the Development Fund for Iraq and Certain Other Iraqi Property and Interests in Property Pursuant to Executive Order 13303, as Amended

Issuance of New Iraq-Related Executive Order

Executive Order 13303

Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Iraq Is Going Global

Stryker Blog 09.26.2013

It sure looks like Iraq's Banks are about to go Global very very soon according to several articles today.

At the end of this month, a new banking strategy will be executed according to an interview today by President of the Association of private banks in Iraq.

Quote: the strategy is executed during the days of the conference

The very last piece of the Iraq puzzle has always come down to the ability of Iraq's Banks to be ready to communicate with the global banks and I believe this conference will be the launching pad that they need.

The Confidence of International Banks as it is being called, is going to be held on the 28th and 29th of September. Not only will this be a chance for all participants to put forth their views and proposals that for the ongoing development of the Iraq's banking sector, it will also include the new technology that will get them there.

With this new strategy it comes with the Technologies with International Banking, Iraq will be able to provide advanced services to the public which will be the bigger beneficiaries.

Here is where it gets real interesting, the Director General of the Islamic Bank of Mesopotamia said that Iraq would emerge from the provisions of Chapter VII. Doesn't that sound like Iraq is about to really emerge from Chapter VII, here is his quote:
"The Director General of the Islamic Bank of Mesopotamia Abdul Hussein Mundhiri has pointed to the importance of the first Iraqi banking conference, pointing out that Iraq would emerge from the provisions of Chapter VII to make the Iraqi  banking market and a new destination of the most prominent international banks known in the global economy"

My point, we know that Iraq needs to pay off Kuwait completely before they can really emerge from Chapter VII and now with what this well known official is saying, with this important conference Iraq will emerge from Chapter VII it means that Iraq is about to pay their debt to Kuwait which will give them their assets and emerge

It sure looks like October could be a very interesting month!

Much more on this and the latest news on my broadcast today,


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Stryker Blog 09.26.2013 Iraq Is Going Global

Monday, September 16, 2013

Central Bank of Iraq's Previous Governor Dr. Shabibi

Stryker Blog 09.16.2013

Dr. Shabibi

It sure looks like our friend Dr. Shabibi is still involved with Iraq, and more importantly with the Central Bank of Iraq. Another real telling article came out and posted in our forum by Kaperoni in where Dr. Shabibi gives a real clear understanding of where Iraq
was in 2004, what has been going on since then and a look into the future of Iraq.
Here is an interesting statement Shabibi made that follows what I have been thinking for over two years now:
Quote: As we have stated that the case for the central bank is to replace Iraqi currency foreign currency could be used in various purposes.
“foreign currency could be used in various purposes”, this is exactly what I have been saying.

The USD can be used so they can reduce the amount of dinar in circulation. the USD can be used in the market place where there is a lack of dinar in circulation, see what he is saying?
See, the foreign currency (USD) can be used in various purposes!
It is being used to purchase imports and in many other areas because they are using two currencies to run their economy and both should be accounting for but they are not!!!

Shabibi goes on to describe how it is used to ease pressure in the market.
Quote: The auction process and mechanism begins to withdraw the Iraqi currency
Quote: and ease pressure on the market
Quote: and is being done through swap cash dinars dollar
Swapping dinars for dollars, through the auction, the process eases pressure.

The question is: How much dinars are they recycling back into the market?

The answer to that is: JUST ENOUGH TO keep the auctions going, about $200 - $300 million dollars’ worth per day, 6 days a week...

This is why we read about worn and torn out dinars, and low liquidity articles.... 
Here again, the good ole Dr. Shabibi reconfirms that the USD is used for other things as well:
Quote: And the dollar when he leaves the bank does not finance commercial operations only, but is used to finance all payments under the so-called international balance of payments, which depicts all the international economic relations of Iraq with the world كالدفع for services and for investment in overseas operations.
This is what we want to see changed, we need to see that the Iraq Dinar is used internationally, as a convertible tradable currency. Even though the USD, we hope stays as the Petro-dollar and if so it will also be used for these big import deals we need to see the dinar as their main currency, not the USD. This is why our speculation has merit.
Ok, take a minute and take in what I just wrote above before moving on to this next part:
Here Shabibi talks about the present administration, Turki’s as governor and his people.
Quote: The work of the central bank should focus on preventing the parallel currency market or multiple markets.
Quote: Multiple exchange rates is (are) contrary to the central bank law because it conflicted with stability in domestic prices.
Quote: The difference between the bank rate and the market rate should not exceed 2%, according to the Convention on the International Monetary Fund and signed by Iraq in 1945.
I believe he is saying that acting Governor Turki had let the parallel market get out of control according to the standards that the IMF states it should be. I also think he had set up guidelines to prevent this but they did not follow it. Is this a sign that Shabibi will be coming back? I sure hope so!
Here he goes on to describe what I also have pointed out many times in the past:
Quote: We maintain monetary stability through the float of the dinar in the market mainly with monitoring for the purpose of his administration as needed so that it serves the Iraqi economy,
Quote: so we follow the orbit and flotation system because of the large reserves around this flotation to stabilize the situation.
Quote: We have to be in front of the waste if it does not receive when we sell Iraqi currency dollar. 
He says that they are using the Float of Orbit as a flotation system to stabilize the situation but Turki put to many restrictions on it and the parallel market got way out of line.
Do you see how he is talking, "We have to be in front of the waste", like he is still involved and he does this throughout this article and this is what makes me believe he is still in the game.
The waste that he is speaking of is the waste over that 2% area, the difference between what the IMF says it needs to be and that high black market rate of 1320 that Turki let it get too! Read these quotes to understand to better:
Quote: this will lead to the decline of the dinar and therefore are going to need more dinars to buy the same amount of the dollar, which will lead to the kind of loss or wastage.
What Shabibi is saying is that since the dinar is much more stable now they need to make sure it doesn't get out of hand from now and until they are ready to launch reform.
Quote: Therefore, the central bank is keen to keep the relationship free from fluctuations with the dollar whenever possible as he is keen to reduce the difference between the official price and the market price, which as mentioned should not exceed 2%. 
Here he says that Iraq is OK despite the GOI and their lack of implementation of the investment budget:
Quote: We have succeeded in maintaining the purchasing power of the dinar and stability in spite of the problems of political stability and inefficient implementation of the government investment budget. 
With the upcoming National Meeting, the signing of the Honor Document and the stability of the politicians I believe that Shabibi has just brought us up to speed on why, when and where the dinar is headed.
I believe that we could see a change in policy now, a change in the value of the dinar and then they could start removal of all the three zero notes starting at the beginning of the year.
We as always will wait to see this play out but I really like Shabibi bringing me up to speed.

Happy Monday,


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Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Iraq Dinar News

Stryker Blog 09.11.2013




The Iraq Dinar News  

There are people out there that do not think that we who follow the news, will ever get anything real out of it, much less tell us when we could expect to see currency reform, but they are completely wrong. The news itself continues to unveil the truth, but you
just need to know what you are looking for.
Monday alone, the news told us about one of the most important draft laws that also is one of the last steps of Iraq’s final accession into the WTO.  
The law is called- The First Amendment to the Law on the Protection of Iraqi products No. 11 for the year 2010 submitted by the committees of economy, investment and legal.
Quote: one of the important laws to reform the economic reality of Iraq
Quote: that the law of the requirements of Iraq's accession to the WTO
Quote: and its entry in the global market
Quote: demanding the distribution of powers within the terms of reference of law.
And this one I will leave all together and it will lead me into my next point:
Quote:  In turn, pointed purity of net debt and the Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs: that the law will contribute to Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its involvement in the free market, stressing: importance of not hinder the development of economic reality and the need to protect the local product to be able to compete in the global market. 
BTW, they - Parliament has read it twice now, one more read then a vote and passage. Between this most important Amended Law and what I pointed out to everyone last week concerning Iraq’s obligations made to the WTO, guaranteeing complete fulfillment to the International Covenants, I believe Iraq will have their Full Accession into the WTO very soon.
What does that mean? It means a fully convertible currency enabling Iraq to re-enter the International Market Place.
Supporting Links:
Personal Note: Thank you Newshound Gamaray for holding these articles and pointing out your highlights until I felt well enough to get back to work full time.
OK, debt consolidation and something I have been Blogging about for over a year now.
Iraq must have all their debt arranged one way or another (paid off or payment arrangements) before they can make a significant change in their monetary framework. It all goes back to Dr. Shabibi working with the Paris Club in reducing or countries forgiving billions of dollars’ worth of Iraq’s debt. Russia alone forgave $4 billion out of their $8 billion just to get their Oil drilling rights in Iraq back which Saddam took away from them when he stop paying Iraq’s debts to Russia in the late 90’s.
And we saw this again in June when Iraq was released out of Chapter VII just to find out that they will not be completely out of VII until Iraq pays all the compensation owed to Kuwait. Which at that time was $11 billion but soon after the partial release, the UN forwarded another $1 billion dollar payment in behalf of Iraq to reduce it to $10 billion.
Well this part of the above quote ties that article with other ones today: purity of net debt and the Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs: that the law will contribute to Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Purity of net debt and this law will contribute to Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) is the way I read it. The other issue being fulfillment of all the Covenants. What I find very interesting is that today Gamaray posted articles confirming that Zabari along with the Executive Director of the Compensation Commission at the United Nations Tibor Raja wants to make the Kuwaiti debt a net zero by paying it in full.
Quote: "During the meeting, Iraq's efforts in fulfillment of its obligations to pay the remaining compensation to Kuwait."
Quote: Raja praised the "efforts aimed at ending this file", calling for "importance of benefiting from the environmental reform program undertaken by the United Nations in the region."
Quote: For his part, Zebari said Iraq's desire to "the completion of all belongings and close the file of compensation." 
Here is three other quotes from another article that helps bring all this facts even closer together for use:
Quote: solve issues of debt and frozen funds before approving the project
The project that is being referred to here is the project of deleting the zeros project from the currency.
Quote: the project to delete the zeros
Quote: delete the three zeroes from the currency so as to its importance in banking transactions
Note: they are saying that they are deleting the zeros from the currency and not deleting zeros from the value of the currency.
Folks, with these three major issues, The First Amendment to the Law on the Protection of Iraqi products No. 11, Purity of Net Debt and the International Covenants, we could see Iraq become a full seated member of the World Trade Organization real soon. 
This will enable Iraq to have a full convertibility of their currency that gets them into the Global Currency Organization known as the Forex market and the International Organization of Securities Commission, which lets the ISX play with the big boy investors
of the world. All of these things are needed for Iraq’s debut into the Global Economy and what we all have been waiting for years now.
Supporting Link:
I will end with another interesting and telling article posted by timesup late yesterday which I also named Article of the Day for Tuesday and a few quotes from it:
Quote: banking and financial tight monetary policy adopted by the Central Bank of Iraq contribute to reducing the phenomenon of dollarization is peppered the real value of the Iraqi dinar 
Quote: achieve monetary stability and price and then achieve the economic growth
The news is bringing us home without all the same old creative stories put out by others.
Hang in there and we will be bringing you clues in the news every day until we see this through together.
Have a great day,


Saturday, September 7, 2013

Stryker's Counter Points to Forbes Blogger John Wasik's Blog: Inside The Dubious Dinar Revaluation Ruse

This is what I submitted this morning as counter points to Forbes Blogger John F. Wasik's blog dated 9/6/2013

Inside The Dubious Dinar Revaluation Ruse

Steve Sanderson's (Stryker's) Counter Points: It sure looks to me like John F. Wasik is just trying to sale his books by writing about the dinar. I am a dinar Blogger and site owner (Stryker Blog), we only look at the facts about Iraq, the Iraqi dinar, any and all other related news and the facts tell us a different story then John is relaying to you here.

Here are just a few things that are going on which we have not seen before: Kurdistan's President Barzani and Iraq's PM Maliki signed a 7 point agreement back in April of this year and there are signs that these are being implemented to resolve the political issues. Article 140 is an example of this, many had discarded this and said it would never be implemented but yet it is.

The dinar is moving closer to convertibility by Iraq approving laws that comply with the International Covenants documents, an obligation that Iraq made to the WTO. This moves Iraq closer to full accession into the WTO and onto the International stage.

Supporting Links:

Another very telling point is that the Iraqi Stock Exchange (ISX) will be a full member of The International Organization of Securities Commissions soon, meaning the ISX will be internationally operated.

John also wants you to believe that there was never a real value to the dinar except for what Saddam gave it, false! By not following the devaluations of the U.S. currency in 1971 and 1973, the dinar rose to a value of US$3.3778, before a 5 percent devaluation reduced the value of the dinar to US$3.2169, a rate which remained until the Gulf War.

Listen, there are clear signs that point to Iraq being reintroduced onto the Global markets and by 2020 Iraq could be the #2 oil producer in the world. Take a few minutes and watch this Bloomberg Television report:

As an investor you should do your due diligence before investing, no one knows exactly how this currency reform will work but it is clear that Iraq's dinar is undervalued by at least 2 and a half times.

Do we have advertisers, sure and is one of them a dinar dealer, yes because it only makes sense that we have one. See I work at this full time just like John does by writing his books and neither one of us should do it for free but unlike John I research before making statements and I sure don't post other people’s opinions to try and make my points. I am sure you are a good guy John but try to report the facts, Iraq is moving closer to Economic Reform. August 13th the Council of Ministers headed by PM Maliki approved Economic Reform for Iraq and it is now in the hands of the Iraqi Parliament for final approval. One more item that has never happened until this point.

I also do a weekly Live Web TV Show 5 days a week uncovering the facts about this most interesting investment.

Is there merit to this dinar, yes but there is also a lot of hype, know the deference and it will make your life much easier.


Sorry I haven't had time to update my blogs here, if you want to read all my other blogs or watch any of the Web TV Shows that are related to the real facts about our investment in the Iraqi dinar please go to:

Sunday, August 18, 2013

News Out of Kuwait City

One of my friends working out of Kuwait City that is with one of the major Oil Companies that also does oil production work in Iraq, has told me a few weeks ago that they started to resign all their old production contracts under new oil contracts. This must be done before new contracts can be signed under the new Oil & Gas Law (HCL), is what I’ve been told.

So the only logical conclusion IMO is that the Oil and Gas Law is or close to being finalized and approved by the Iraqi parliament upon their return or why else would this be going on? When I ask him if he knew this to be the case he just said, it shouldn’t be hard to draw your own conclusion from this! 

With this very good news and the fact that the Economic Reform Law was approved by Maliki and the CoM (Council of Ministers) and awaiting parliaments return, this is gearing up to be one interesting few weeks IMO.

Also we have only 6 sets left out of 50 for our Second Stryker Iraqi Dinar Holders meeting August the 31st about being prepared and how to set up your own group. So the first RSVP’s to email me at are in. All the rest of the RSVP’s are accounted for and details will be sent out as soon as we have the agenda and guest pinned down completely.

Have a great week,
